To ensure accuracy, completeness and reliability, this Report has been audited and certified - as a whole and in terms of every material issue - by an independent external certification body prior to publication.
We inform our stakeholders that the documentation and certification of this Report was made in order to assure its compliance with the requirements of the guidelines GRI-G4 (in accordance with/ Comprehensive Option). The independent body, that reviewed the Report, also certified that the indicators of the Oil & Gas Sector Supplement have been covered.
The result of this external assurance is presented at GRI-G4 Indices, while the relevant assurance statement is presented below.
This Report also satisfies the requirements of the CoP Report (Advanced Level) of the UNGC, as it is presented at the CoP Report.
Furthermore, the accuracy of the data is assured through internal validation procedures and annual audits from accredited certification bodies. These inspections and audits ensure that the Report is reliable, adequately balanced and relevant to the expectations and interests of the Group’s stakeholders.