The health and safety of our employees as well as the residents of local communities which are located close to our industrial facilities are considered as fundamental. As a result, HELLENIC PETROLEUM takes all the necessary measures to provide a safe workplace to its employees, partners, visitors and trainees in all of its workplaces
More information on the organization and operation of Occupational Health & Safety may be found at the Group's website (Health, Safety & Environment section).
Within the Group’s organizational framework for health and safety, the following have been established and are currently operational:
- A Corporate Occupational Health, Safety, Environment & Sustainable Development Division.
- Departments for Health, Safety and Environment at each facility.
- Appointed safety technicians, in-house physicians and nurses, over and above the requirements set by the relevant occupational health and safety legislation (Law 3850/2010).
- Internal Service for Safety and Prevention (ESYPP), according to P.D. 95/1999, which oversees the health of employees, compliance with sanitary conditions, protection measures and accident avoidance measures.
- Employee Committee for Occupational Health & Safety (Ε.Υ.Α.Ε.) at each facility comprised of representatives that represent all employees and are elected by the employees (according to Law 3850/2010). Every employee also has the right to be elected onto these committees (100% participation) which participate in scheduled meetings with the facilities’ management and makes suggestions for Health & Safety improvements in the workplace.
The establishment of uniform corporate policies and procedures also constitutes a continuous process - as part of the effort to strengthen the Group’s common culture and utilize the experience of the industrial facilities in the adoption of the best Health & Safety management practices.
All of the Group’s uniform procedures and policies are posted on the company’s internal company network (Intranet), whilst the most important of them are communicated through appropriate presentations made to all relevant staff.
Occupational Risk Management
The Group applies a precautionary approach in the field of occupational risk management so that potential health and safety risks can be anticipated and as a result, controlled. Specifically, any such potential risks are identified and consequently controlled according to criteria as set forth in Greek legislation (Law 3850/2010) as well as European and international codes and good practices. Written occupational risk assessment studies feature in all of the Group’s facilities and include measures that need to be taken to eliminate or control hazards - thereby keeping them at low and acceptable levels.
The studies themselves are developed (taking employees’ opinions and viewpoints into account) through employees filling out questionnaires concerning the nature of their work as well as the environment that they work in and are revised whenever working or environmental changes take place (in the event that no changes arise, every five years at the most). These revisions are communicated to all staff so that each and every employee is aware of the risks that he/she may face as well as the required actions that need to be taken in order to eliminate or minimize them.
During the scheduling of corrective safety actions, immediate priority is given to those considered most critical, as classified according to their ranking in the Hazards Assessment Table.